Intro To Digital Photography: PART 2 CAMERA SETTINGS Art Class - Sat. 6.7.25 @ 10:30A


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Instructor Steve Gandy 

Saturday, June 7th, 2025 from 10:30am to 12:30pm 

In order to get the best composition and lighting to create a great image you MUST have a working knowledge of the camera’s settings! This is the technical part and there is some math but anyone can master these settings (and the math) and when they do, their images start improving.

We will cover the exposure triangle that will allow you darken or brighten your images in any situation. You will learn when to use Auto Mode and when to go Manual and every setting in between. Professionals use all of the camera modes depending on the conditions and needs. Focus is a huge issue for new photographers. Learn how to get it right no matter what the situation.

This class is hands-on. Any camera is welcome but those with a camera that has the basic modes of P, A, S, M will benefit the most. Please bring your camera with some recent photos that you have taken.

One simple technique in this class will put you ahead of 90% of the photographers on earth. What do all these numbers and letters mean? And what should I do with them?

Beginners welcome. Ages 13-adult.

*This is part 2 of a 3 part class. Attending any one of the sessions qualifies you for upcoming Photo Walks and Image Conversation sessions that will be scheduled later.

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