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Instructor: Lisa Winta
Sunday September 29th, 2024 from 1:00 to 3:30 pm
(in person, in gallery)
Turn ordinary pine needles into a beautiful and functional coaster. This beginning class will teach you the basic skills that you can utilize in the future to turn pine needles into baskets.
You will learn one basic stitch and learn tips and tricks to succeed in building a sturdy coil of pine needles to form the structure of what you are creating. During class you will be introduced to the concepts, terminology, and techniques to start coiling with pine needles. You will create one coaster and you will go home with all the supplies to complete another coasters on your own.
The picture is an example, your center piece might vary. The finished product measures approximately 3.5” across. All supplies are provided. Ages 13 and up.
This class does require fine finger dexterity. Recommended to bring close up reading glasses, if you need them