Deb Groesser's Class Supply LIst

Class Supply list
Deb Groesser’s Watercolor Classes:
Palette with paint (recommend these 6 Winsor Newton Professional Watercolor Paints - please use only Professional quality paint)
6 colors: French Ultramarine Blue, Prussian Blue, Winsor Yellow, Winsor Red, Burnt Sienna, Permanent Alizarin Crimson
Watercolor Paper - Buy a full sheet 22”x30” of Arches 140 lb cold press paper. (tear paper into quarter size sheets)
Brushes: Any watercolor brushes are fine. Recommend #6 round, #8 round, 1” Flat wash and a liner brush.
2 Plexi sheets- bit larger than your watercolor paper you’ll be working on. (12" x 16” is great for a quarter sheet of watercolor paper.)
Drafting Tape
kneaded eraser
paper towels
tissues - with no lanolin
Gallery will Supply:
2 water containers
tissues - with no lanolin
paper towels