BEATRICE RUDOLPH, drawing, painting, Blue Moose Art Gallery

Beatrice has been drawing and painting animals for as long as she can remember. Her passion for horses and art went hand-in-hand as she grew up and continued her education at Colorado State University.  Beatrice likes to feature animals from her own experiences in her paintings and drawings. As an equestrian, pet owner, and former Rocky Mountain Raptor Program volunteer, she often portrays horses, cats, birds and raptors that she owned or knew personally. Depicting the animal’s personality and expression is something she takes particular pride in. Inspired by the plight of endangered species, Beatrice also chooses to feature them in many pieces. Reimagining them as constellations, she alludes to their future as legends should we fail to act in time. Some pieces combine spray paint and oils, some pieces charcoal and graphite pencil. She’s also exploring sculpting in polymer clay and resin casts using rubber molds.