CATHY FRICK, painter, Blue Moose Art Gallery

A professional artist living in colorful Colorado, Cathy Frick is best known for her vibrant, bold colors. There has never been a time when she didn’t love to draw or paint and finds it important to tell a story with paint, pallet knife, brush, and canvas. "I want to draw the viewer in and give them a sense of connection to my art.” Inspired by nature, her interpretation is both surreal and intriguing.  Cathy studied Fine Arts at the Columbus College of Art and Design but finished her degree at Bowling Green State University, majoring in Visual Communications Technology, Print Production, and Graphic Design.  After a long successful career in printing, Cathy at the age of 50, returned to her true love of the arts. 

 “Be bold, live bold, see boldly…PAINT BOLD!”