Suki was born in India, lived in England for most of her life, and then moved to the US in 2011, residing in the Washington DC area before moving to Colorado in 2018. Suki has always had a flair for creativity. As a teenager she sewed colorful patches of tartan onto the pockets and hems of her jeans, emulating her favorite 1970s pop band. Many years later, after taking some acrylic art classes, she began painting as a hobby and realized she had found her passion for creating beautiful pieces of art, often adding embellishments, such as metallic foil, crystals and crushed glass to enhance shapes and colors. After working in several different industries and raising two sons as a single parent, Suki retired in 2022 and began enjoying her hobby full-time, exploring different techniques, including textured art using molding paste and fluid art using various pouring mediums. Suki loves spending time in her garden, doing yoga and visiting her grandchildren in England.